Food safety

 Advantages and Disadvantages of Genetically modified food

1.With the world's population expected to reach 12 billion in the next 50 year, the demand for high quality produce will continue to increase. 

2.By growing genetically modified plant with a resistance to pests or herbicide, then the use of    cost of producing a crop, damage by unwanted pests/weeds. 

3.with the rise of various different virus disease and  bacteria that effect and inhibit the growth of     a crop, technology have resistant to these different disease.

4. Plant such as tobacco and potato have had antifreeze genes introduced in to them, to encourage the plants to withstand cold temperatures that would normally kill such plants.

5. A common problem in third world countries is malnutrition with estimation of 1.02 billion people being undernourished and starved. 

6.The main staple diet for these people is rice which unfortunately does not contain sufficient quantities of the nutrients and vitamins required to help prevent malnutrition.

7. Genetically engineering this crop in order to create nutritionally enriched rice variety would have the potential to help improve and in turn,eliminate these deficiencies. 

8. Vitamin A deficiency, estimated to affect millions  of people around the world prompted the design of, Golden rice, researched by ingo potery and Peter bayeer and contained very large  quantities of beta carotene, which the body use and coverts to Vitamin A and is required for a number of different metabolic function including in visions, immune function and bone metabolism. 


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