Loss weight in just 5 days

Loss weight in just 5 days

Diet related tips

1. Take protein in breakfast: Eat protein rich food like eggs, curd, oats.

2. Reduce refined carbohydrates: Avoid white bread, spinach, and oats.

3. Eat fiber rich food: Include vegetables, fruits and whole grains.

4. Reduce sugar: Avoid sweet drinks, sugars and processes.

5. Drink more water: Drink 8-10 glasses of water every day, it keeps the digestive system healthy.

6. Drink green tea: It helps in weight loss by speeding up metabolism.

7. Eat small meals: Take light and healthy snacks every 3-4 hours.

8. Stop soda and cold drinks: They have a lot of sugar, which can increase belly weight.

9. Eat light meals at night: Eat food 2-3 hours before sleeping.

10. Drink detox water: Drink lemon, orange and mint water, this can reduce belly fat.

Add tips for extra size

11. Do cardio exercises: Increase fast running, jumping and jumping.

12. Do plains: Plains are the best way to reduce belly fat.

13. Do yoga and Surya Namaskar: This helps in reducing belly fat.

14. Do crunches and leg raises: Do 15-20 minutes of high intensity training.

15. Walk on an empty stomach: Walk on an empty stomach for 30-40 minutes in the           morning, this   helps  in reducing weight.

16. Climb stairs: Use stairs instead of lift.

Life style tips

17. Good sleeping: Reducing weight is easy with the need of 7-8 hours.

18. Reduce stress: Meditation and relaxation will reduce the  hormone, which will reduce                belly fat.

19. Eat slowly: Eating too quickly causes overeating, which leads to belly fat.

20. Staying in one place for too long: Neither sitting nor standing can increase weight.

If you use these tips for 5 days continuously, you will see a reduction in belly fat.

            Thanks for reading this page.

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